Sunday 20 December 2009

FAQs – Full-Time Attendance Details


What follows is intended to help you acquire a general understanding of the programme. Birkbeck reserves the right to vary without notice the contents of courses or parts of courses and to modify facilities and arrangements for students. Applicants and students should confirm the up-to-date position when they need to know it.

What would my pattern of attendance be as a ‘full-time’ student during ....

..... September till December?

You will be asked to do some preparation before classes formally start towards the end of September - the Unit One Induction (two weeks). Unit Two then runs through until early November and is followed by Unit Three, which runs until the end of term in mid-December.

..... Spring Term?

Whatever Option you select for Unit Five will have one taught session per week, in the evening of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, with an assessment deadline at the start of the Summer Term. As your fellow-students will be likely to be taking a range of different options, taught on different evenings, Units One and Four will be taught only in afternoon sessions this term on a combination of Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

..... Summer Term and beyond?

Unit Six will be taught in late April and May. As Unit Seven is almost entirely dealt with on an individual basis between each student and the Programme Leader, you will be free from around early June to undertake the work you have chosen to do for Unit Seven. This allows the possibility of a twelve-week secondment for these students who choose that pathway for Unit Seven.

The Final Assessment (for Units One and Seven combined) will take place at some point in the second half of September.
